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Heart Centered Counselling

Holistic Healing from the Heart

Dr. Angela Grace

Clinical Director - B.F.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. (Counselling), Ph.D. (Counselling Psychology)

I have a Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology with a specialization in the prevention and treatment of eating and body image issues, life stressors and trauma. I specialize in holistic approaches to women's health and well-being.

I have Fine Arts and Education degrees, and previously worked as an elementary teacher and school counsellor, which gives me an in-depth understanding of girls, families, teachers, and school communities. 

My training in theatre, art, dance, yoga, and play therapy enables me to work in creative ways to enhance girls’ and women’s sense of well-being.

Why did I become a psychologist?

As an elementary teacher, I once witnessed a group of my little grade one girls starting a diet club “to be like our moms.” They were throwing out their lunches and running laps around the playground to lose weight!

Because I too have experienced struggles with body image, food, & self-esteem at different times in my life, I vowed to do something about it.  I wanted to prevent other girls from experiencing that pain, and help them heal when they did.


I am passionate about helping girls and women reclaim their lives and express their true selves, and learn how to fully support each other, creating a sisterhood of understanding and trust.

Why see a Ph.D Psychologist?

My 2 years Master’s of Counselling degree provided a foundation for general counselling and assessment. However, my challenging 6 year Ph.D. program deepened my knowledge and expertise to effectively address girls’ and women’s complex life experiences from a broader feminist and social justice perspective.


My Ph.D. has taken me from a basic clinician to an expert in my field, enabling me to be a national consultant for eating and body image issues, and a supervisor/mentor for counselling professionals.

Get to know me!

I am a passionate, bad-ass, bellydancing, boxing, yoga-loving, dog-loving, meditating counsellor, shamanic practitioner, writer, professional trouble-maker, musician, & artist!  I love spending time with my family and outdoor adventures that connect me deeply with nature and spirit.  I love travelling Canada and also support our brilliant singers and artists. I am passionate about mysticism and a shamanic approach to living in the world.

I seek to be respectful of all women's diverse cultural backgrounds and beliefs and aspire to be an ally. I will humbly listen, stand, march, drum, sing, and pray with you for women's rights and issues that require attention.

I have practiced Iyengar yoga for 20 years, and became a certified Iyengar Yoga Level I/II Instructor in March, 2018.  Iyengar yoga is balancing for the entire body and nervous system, yet challenging at the same time.  I teach at different studios around the city, integrating the art and science of psychology and the art and science of Iyengar yoga into holistic classes and workshops.

Nutrition is a foundation of well-being. Did you know that inflammation in the body & brain can create emotional distress?  I am pleased to offer AIP nutritional coaching as part of my holistic practice to help you be well and whole from the inside out.

I have a beautiful therapy dog who may join us during sessions.  She has a calming and loving presence, and is a constant source of inspiration for healing.  My rescue pup has separation anxiety and will not eat when I’m not home, showing how anxiety & eating issues are biological and can impact self-care – even in animals!

I have a passion for integrating art techniques and sculpting into my therapeutic work, and have created Gracenote Pottery – perfectly imperfect creations focused on creative approaches to healing with a little bit of attitude!  Let’s sculpt your story into something beautiful!


One of the most important things we can do is express gratitude for all that has been given to us.

I am first and foremost thankful to Creator for all given to me and for lighting the way.
I am grateful to my husband for all his love and support.
I am grateful for the artists and collaborators who make this vision possible:
Website design by Heart to Heart Virtual Services
Cover art by Jeff Cruz 
You come from the Stars by Karlee Fellner
Professional photography by JD Tucker and Julie McKinnon
Logo design by Two Hot Soups


Feel inspired? Start your healing journey now!

(403) 827-8529

Steep Mountains
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